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Nacházíte se zde: Domů » Knihy » Beletrie » Knihy pro ženy » Romány pro ženy
4.5 z 5 15 hodnocení čtenářů
10× 5 hvězdiček 3× 4 hvězdičky 2× 3 hvězdičky 0× 2 hvězdičky 0× 1 hvezdička
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CzekMart registrovaný uživatel 5 z 5 hvězdiček Zakoupil produkt
Things We Left Behind is the perfect closure to the phenomenal series, and in my opinion is Lucy Score’s best work to date!! The author’s ability to reach her audience on such a deep emotional level never seizes to amaze me, and it will certainly not be the same scene for everyone, but that profound soul-stirring connection will occur. My heart was aching for the protagonists in so many different ways, yet I was laughing out loud in the next chapter at the snarky banter between Lucian and his “Pixie”. In this third, and last, installment of the series we get to catch up with our favorite Knockemout residents, get a glimpse at the future of all beloved characters, and most importantly - accompany Lucian and Sloane on their life long journey into their HEA. The story is told in dual point of view and we see many flashbacks to Sloane’s and Lucian’s formative years, where events took place that would forever alter the future they once dreamed for themselves, and will set the tone for their adult interactions. Family and community plays an integral part in this captivating story, and the incredible cast of secondary characters draws you into the midst of the plot and makes you feel a part of the extended family. Lucian and Sloane find their way to forever love at last; and as danger lurks around the interwoven suspense element unravels in a dramatic conclusion of events, and the most epic HEA! “And for the first time in my life, I felt like the hero instead of the villain”. Things We Left Behind was simply unputdownable for me, and I couldn’t recommend it more to anyone who enjoys superb story telling.
Pomohla vám tato recenze? Ano 3
Kniha, Hodder & Stoughton, 2023, 9781399713795
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