Steppenwolf - Hermann Hesse PŘIPRAVUJEME

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  • Předpokládané datum vydání je 9.9.2025
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447 Kč s DPH
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At first glance, Harry Haller seems like a respectable, educated man. In reality, he is the Steppenwolf: wild, strange, alienated from society, and repulsed by the modern age. But as he is drawn into a series of dreamlike and sometimes savage encounters—accompanied by, among others, Mozart, Goethe, and the bewitching Hermione—the misanthropic… Přejít na celý popis

Hannah Grace: V divočině Russ a Aurora se po jedné vášnivé noci znovu setkávají jako vedoucí letního tábora. Russ se snaží dodržet přísná táborová pravidla, zatímco Aurora si z toho hlavu nedělá. Dokážou vedle sebe v poklidu existovat, nebo jejich noc zažehla neuhasitelný požár? Více informací

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At first glance, Harry Haller seems like a respectable, educated man. In reality, he is the Steppenwolf: wild, strange, alienated from society, and repulsed by the modern age. But as he is drawn into a series of dreamlike and sometimes savage encounters—accompanied by, among others, Mozart, Goethe, and the bewitching Hermione—the misanthropic Haller undergoes a spiritual, even psychedelic, journey, and ultimately discovers a higher truth and the possibility of happiness.

This blistering portrait of a man who feels himself to be half human and half wolf was the bible of the 1960s counterculture, capturing the mood of a disaffected generation. It continues to resonate as a haunting story of estrangement, redemption, and the search for one’s place in the world.


Putnam Publishing
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