Los Logos
Los Logos - Robert Klanten Nedostupné

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První z bestsellerů současného designu log a logotypů.Logos have become the face of brands, companies and record labels. They are indispensable "little helpers” in creating a positive image, to trigger the memory, aid identification and install trust. Often deceptively simple, the task of a logo is never an easy one - via extreme reduction it… Přejít na celý popis

Leoš Kyša: Syndikát Čtěte první, ať nepřijdete o tajemství! Předobjednejte si nový kriminální příběh Leoše Kyši s podpisem! Více informací

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První z bestsellerů současného designu log a logotypů.Logos have become the face of brands, companies and record labels. They are indispensable "little helpers” in creating a positive image, to trigger the memory, aid identification and install trust. Often deceptively simple, the task of a logo is never an easy one - via extreme reduction it has to radically and perfectly distil an image or message into a simple, easily recognisable icon. Well-indexed; subject-catalogued and systematically structured this popular bestseller has become the perfect research tool for any self-respecting designer or cultural enthusiast. Bilingual English / German edition


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