New Tiny Houses
New Tiny Houses - Sibylle Kramer PŘIPRAVUJEME

Kniha ( pevná vazba )

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  • Předpokládané datum vydání je 24.11.2024
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New exciting and surprising design approaches how great living quality can be wonderfully made possible in small spaces. A tiny house is much more than just a very small residence. It is a living concept that reflects the challenges of the future – from the fundamental question of how to finance the dream of home ownership to more complex… Přejít na celý popis

Vesmírníček: Letíme dál aneb už zase usínáme s vědou Nejkrásnější dětská kniha se vrací! Objevujte tajemství vesmíru a mimozemského života s úžasnými ilustracemi, z nichž některé svítí ve tmě! Více informací

K tomuto produktu zákazníci kupují


New exciting and surprising design approaches how great living quality can be wonderfully made possible in small spaces.

A tiny house is much more than just a very small residence. It is a living concept that reflects the challenges of the future – from the fundamental question of how to finance the dream of home ownership to more complex considerations, such as whether doing without material luxury means more freedom, to social issues such as how we deal with our planet's resources.

This volume presents remarkable examples of masterfully implemented solutions for tiny houses. The designs of these micro-wonders show that even – or especially – well thought-out room concepts can be realized in the smallest of spaces, without sacrificing excellent design. Intelligent floor plans, multifunctional rooms and ingenious nesting of furnishing components create not only compact living spaces, but also unique habitats.


Braun Publishing
240 x 280
Počet stran
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