The Sacrifice (Defekt)
The Sacrifice (Defekt) - Shantel Tessier Nedostupné


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Vada Lehce naražené hrany desek, lehce zašpiněné ořezy stran.

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Magazín Knihkupec

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Magazín Knihkupec

After meeting Tyson in previous books set within this world, I knew he would grab my heart with his hand and make me fall completely for him. I thought he was amazing beforehand but it is nothing compared to his story. He shines and with that, he has now got top spot on my very long list of book boyfriends, securing his position as my… Přejít na celý popis

H. D. Carlton: Haunting Adeline: Stíny nad Adeline Možná ten nejvíc explicitní, šokující a vzrušující román, co jste kdy četli... Více informací


After meeting Tyson in previous books set within this world, I knew he would grab my heart with his hand and make me fall completely for him. I thought he was amazing beforehand but it is nothing compared to his story. He shines and with that, he has now got top spot on my very long list of book boyfriends, securing his position as my favourite. He will have you drooling, panting, and gushing like Niagara Falls. I love Ryat, Sin, & Colton (all book boyfriends) but Tyson, he brings the heat and yet I love the way he loves Lake. You can't not fall for him.

I love the chemistry between Lake & Tyson, and just their story as a whole, the whole angstiness to their relationship. It will leave you hooked, and have you reaching for your BOBs. With Lake, it was great to read, seeing her accepting her true self and becoming the Lady I knew she would be. She was the perfect Lady for her Lord.

Shantel Tessier is a phenomenal author, leaving me hooked on each word, getting completely lost within her worlds and books, and addicted to each storyline. The Sacrifice was no different, this book was on my mind every second that I wasn't reading it, and the twists I tried to guess but I was nowhere close to guessing. This book is incredible and I highly recommend it!


Independently Published
153 x 230 x 40
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    Borka zabila, když mu vzala kreditku a koupila si s tim lamborginy.Trošku mě u týhle série zaráží jak borec je vždycky prvně vůči ty holce drsnej a pak v půlce knihy mu přepne.Ale hej, to mě nezastaví abych tuhle sérii neměla ráda.

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