She moves in mysterious ways - erotic short story

Autor Morten Brask


She moves in mysterious ways - erotic short story E-kniha

Autor Morten Brask


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I was on holiday in Paris with my girlfriends. They, just like me, had boyfriends back home, but when good looking men at the club started flirting and dancing with us, it was hard to say no. We didn't want to say no. As my friends disappeared into secluded corners with the strangers, I couldn't help but watch them. Would I also give in to my… Přejít na celý popis

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I was on holiday in Paris with my girlfriends. They, just like me, had boyfriends back home, but when good looking men at the club started flirting and dancing with us, it was hard to say no. We didn't want to say no. As my friends disappeared into secluded corners with the strangers, I couldn't help but watch them. Would I also give in to my desire?

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