The Cursed
The Cursed - Harper L. Woods PŘIPRAVUJEME

Kniha ( měkká vazba )

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  • Předpokládané datum vydání je 7.11.2024
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Předpokládaná cena
402 Kč s DPH
Běžně 449 Kč Nápověda Jsme transparentní

"There is no end for you and I, Witchling." For hundreds of years, the Coven has presided over Hollow's Grove University, their skeletal fingers grasping for control over the witches who pass through the gates. Now, after a bloody and violent coup, Willow Madizza must come to terms with the role she was forced to play in the Coven's demise. … Přejít na celý popis

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"There is no end for you and I, Witchling."

For hundreds of years, the Coven has presided over Hollow's Grove University, their skeletal fingers grasping for control over the witches who pass through the gates.

Now, after a bloody and violent coup, Willow Madizza must come to terms with the role she was forced to play in the Coven's demise.

And face the demons she has unwittingly unleashed upon the world.

Preparing to fight for the future of the Coven, Willow has no choice but to ally with Gray, the man who betrayed her and her fellow witches. Even through her fury at the bargain that binds her to Gray, Willow can't ignore the soul-deep connection between them. And together, their magic could have the power to right centuries of wrongs . . .


Transworld Publishers
153 x 234 x 26
Počet stran
374 g
měkká vazba
datum vydání

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