The Furthest Station (Defekt)
The Furthest Station (Defekt) - Ben Aaronovitch Nedostupné


Stav Velmi dobrý

Vada Lehce naražený hřbet, zašpiněné ořezy stran.

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Magazín Knihkupec

Při zaslání zboží balíčkem

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Magazín Knihkupec

A stunning PC Peter Grant novella continues this bestselling series with commuting ghosts, a kidnapping, and a superb new London mystery! There's something going bump on the Metropolitan line and Sergeant Jaget Kumar knows exactly who to call. It's PC Peter Grant's speciality . . . Only it's more than going 'bump'. Traumatised travellers have… Přejít na celý popis

Poznejte Lorcanu! Vaše nová karetní a sběratelská vášeň se slevou Poznejte Lorcanu, vaši novou karetní a sběratelskou vášeň! Nyní se slevou na našem e-shopu a ve vybraných prodejnách. Více informací


A stunning PC Peter Grant novella continues this bestselling series with commuting ghosts, a kidnapping, and a superb new London mystery! There's something going bump on the Metropolitan line and Sergeant Jaget Kumar knows exactly who to call. It's PC Peter Grant's speciality . . . Only it's more than going 'bump'. Traumatised travellers have been reporting strange encounters on their morning commute, with strangely dressed people trying to deliver an urgent message. Stranger still, despite calling the police themselves, within a few minutes the commuters have already forgotten the encounter - making the follow up interviews rather difficult. So with a little help from Abigail and Toby the ghost hunting dog, Peter and Jaget are heading out on a ghost hunting expedition. Because finding the ghost and deciphering their urgent message might just be a matter of life and death. Biographical Notes Ben Aaronovitch grew up as part of a famously engaged and lively North London family. He has written for many TV series including Doctor Who and been a bookseller. His Peter Grant novels have been hugely successful and he now writes full time. He still lives in London, the city he likes to refer to as 'the capital of the world'.


129 x 197 x 13
datum dotisku
Počet stran
měkká vazba
datum vydání

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  • Šárka registrovaný uživatel 4 z 5 hvězdiček

    Doplňková knížka k sérii řek Londýna mi přišla o něco slabší, než samotná série. Nicméně manžel jako Aaronovitchův skalní fanoušek (a silnější v angličtině, než já) byl velmi spokojen.

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  • Marie Chaloupková registrovaný uživatel 5 z 5 hvězdiček

    je to ohromne ctive a zabavne

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