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Police Chief Nash Morgan is known for two things: being a good guy and the way his uniform accentuates his rear end. But two bullets put a dent in his Southern charm and now he's facing a criminal still on the loose and a town full of citizens that consider the law more of a 'guideline'. The last thing he needs is the leggy, smart-mouthed… Přejít na celý popis
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Police Chief Nash Morgan is known for two things: being a good guy and the way his uniform accentuates his rear end.
But two bullets put a dent in his Southern charm and now he's facing a criminal still on the loose and a town full of citizens that consider the law more of a 'guideline'. The last thing he needs is the leggy, smart-mouthed Lina Solavita moving in next door, making him feel things he doesn't have the energy to feel.
Lina is on a mission. As soon as she gets what she's after, she has no intention of sticking around. The town of Knockemout has other ideas. Soon she finds herself sucked into small-town life. Dog-sitting. Saying yes to a bridesmaid's dress. Listening to the sexy chief of police in the shower.
But when Nash discovers Lina's secret these friends become furious enemies - though the sparks flying between them don't know the difference between love and hate.
- série
- Knockemout 2. díl z 3
- Další ze série
1. Co už nikdy nepřebolí
2. Co skrýváme před světem
3. Co jsme nechali za sebou
- kategorie
Knihy »
Cizojazyčná literatura »
English literature »
Fiction and Literature »
- Témata
- maloměsto
- Nakladatel
- Hodder & Stoughton
- Rozměr
- 197 x 130 x 42
- datum vydání
- 21.02.2023
- ean
- 9781399713771
- Počet stran
- 592
- Hmotnost
- 404 g
- jazyk
- angličtina
- Vazba
- měkká vazba
- Vydání
- 1
- isbn
- 978-1-399-71377-1
Hodnocení a recenze čtenářů Nápověda
4.5 z 5 72 hodnocení čtenářů
45× 5 hvězdiček 17× 4 hvězdičky 9× 3 hvězdičky 1× 2 hvězdičky 0× 1 hvezdička
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My bittersweet diary 2024 registrovaný uživatel 2 z 5 hvězdiček Hodnoceno z aplikace
Nashe, policejního velitele a bratra Knoxe, známe už z prvního dílu - Co už nikdy nepřebolí. Nash se po postřelení dostal na úplné dno, pronásledují ho panické ataky a cítí jen prázdno. Vedle Nashe se nastěhuje Lina, která skrývá před světem víc než jedno tajemství. V knize se hodně objevuje Naomi a Knox, takže velké plus pro někoho, kdo si je oblíbil stejně jako já. Tak moc jsem se na tento příběh těšila. O to větší zklamání to pro mě bylo. Velká část knihy byla o ničem, kdykoliv se naskytla nějaká zápletka, během pár stran se vyřešila. Závěr, kdy už se konečně začlo něco dít, byl moc uspěchaný. Epilog neurazí/nenadchne. Lina mi od začátku nějak zvlášť nesedla. Nutno dodat, že postavám má být 35+, ale mnohdy se chovali jak náctiletí.
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Val registrovaný uživatel 5 z 5 hvězdiček Hodnoceno z aplikace
…sexy, drsné, citlivé… Aj také boli hlavné postavy knihy Veci, ktoré tajíme pred svetom. K tomu, že Nash a Angelina sú príťažliví, snáď netreba nič dodať. Obaja však mali drsné povolania- on, náčelník polície; ona, špeciálna hľadačka stratených vecí(pochopíte pri čítaní). No a ako názov knihy hovorí, obaja majú veci, ktoré taja pred svetom. A sú to veci citlivé… Od autorky Lucy Score som prečítala Veci, ktoré v nás ostanú navždy a Na vlásku (preklad do ČJ). Tieto dielka sršali humorom od začiatku, a dokonca aj pri vážnejších pasážach ich autorka odľahčila svojskou dávkou humoru. V tomto prípade tomu tak nebolo. Síce ma to na jednu stranu zaskočilo, pretože pri oboch predchodkyniach som sa uškŕňala ihneď po začítaní, na druhú stranu, myslím, zvolila uveriteľnejšiu, chmúrnejšiu cestu. Tento príbeh otvára Nash a jeho rozpoloženie po streľbe, ktorú vďaka súhre náhod prežil. Nič si z osudnej noci nepamätá, preto je jeho frustrácia a nalomená psychika opodstatnená. Dolieha naňho aj vzťah s rodinou, ktorý nikdy nebol vrúcny. Absencia lásky, nehy, a teda aj partnerky, najmä v tomto období spôsobí, že sa až nezdravo upne na novú susedku. Je ňou bývalá priateľka jeho brata Knoxa. Sama to nemá v živote ľahké. Vzťahom sa Lina bráni zubami-nechtami. Tiež na to má svoje dôvody. Nash si ju však získa a napriek vášni, ktorá medzi nimi planie, si nahovára, že má všetko pod kontrolou a čochvíľa sa presunie za prácou inam. Aj keď autorka má podobný vzorec dramatickej zápletky(čo je podľa mňa pochopiteľné, keďže ide o tú istú partiu kriminálnikov)ako v 1.časti série, vzťahová linka je úplne iná, plná emócií, vnútorných démonov… veľmi sa mi páčilo, že okrem Knoxa a Naomi sa tu mihli aj úplne nové postavy. Tie staré, ako Lucy a Sloan, nás tak akurát navnadili na ich vlastný príbeh. Najemotívnejším momentom bola svadba. Určite táto časť zo zjavných príčin nenechá jedno oko suché. Bola táto kniha lepšia? Horšia? Posúdenie nechám na každom z vás, rozhodne však bola iná. Autorka svojimi príbehmi ulahodí každej romantickej duši.
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CzekMart registrovaný uživatel 5 z 5 hvězdiček Zakoupil produkt
Highly anticipated sequel to Things We Never Got Over and WOW WOW WOW!!! This book is absolute perfection! Our protagonists- Nash and Lina - lovingly dubbed as Angel and Hotshot, are both struggling with life defining adversity experienced in their youth, and some in not so distant past. There is so much emotion, intrigue, suspense and humor - Things We Hide From The Light is absolutely positively exquisite! The vulnerability Nash and Lina (ever so reluctantly) share with each other, Knox and Naomi’s wedding, and the emotional depths of all of the supporting cast - nobody, and I mean NOBODY portrays a small town as masterfully as Lucy Score does! I think creating communities, and portraying interpersonal relationships is her superpower!!!! “You are not your father, hotshot. And I am not some unhealthy habit that needs to be kicked. We are all very different people from the ones who made us. You didn’t turn to me to numb yourself to the pain. You turned to me to remember what felt good. To give yourself a reason to fight through the pain”. I read this book in one sitting, it’s simply unputdownable. I cried, I laughed, I was on the edge of my seat and I felt those deep emotions as if I was experiencing them myself. Once again the author gives us a lovable rescue dog, meddling neighbors, small town shenanigans and an EPIC love story with guaranteed HEA. I highly recommend this book to everyone who loves to read a great story!!! Studly Do-Right Sometimes the body recognizes what the head and heart are too stupid to see. The body don’t lie. Huh. Maybe I should put that on a bumper sticker? It was a new addition to Shark Week’s Crappy Hour. Electrical impulses from the electrodes simulated period pain. Knockemout’s residents weren’t ones to back down from a challenge, and I had to admit, it was pretty entertaining to watch tatted bikers and buff farmer types line up for their turn to try to walk with level 10 period cramps. The brother exited his house…through the front window…which was closed. Important enough not to let you distract me with your magic penis. I just know there’s nothing ballsy or brave about living your whole life behind walls. The real good shit doesn’t start until those bricks come down and you invite someone in. If you’re not scared shitless, you’re doin’ it wrong. Don’t be a dumbass. You don’t let everyone in. Only the ones who matter. The ones you want to trust. The ones you want to let you in. That vulnerability shit is just like respect. It’s earned. You went to Lucian for advice? That guy is one typewriter away from The Shining. “You’re interrupting my beauty sleep,” Mrs. Tweedy said. She was wearing a housecoat and holding what looked like a martini. “You sleep with a martini?” Nolan asked. “This is my middle-of-the-night nightcap.” “You are not your father, hotshot. And I am not some unhealthy habit that needs to be kicked. We are all very different people from the ones who made us. You didn’t turn to me to numb yourself to the pain. You turned to me to remember what felt good. To give yourself a reason to fight through the pain.” “You’re everything I always wanted and never thought I deserved.” “You breathed life back into me. You brought me back to the light. Let me have you. Let me take you. Say you’re mine,” he demanded. “Being vulnerable doesn’t mean you’re weak. It means you trust yourself to be strong enough to handle the hurt. It’s actually the purest form of strength.” Highly anticipated sequel to Things We Never Got Over and WOW WOW WOW!!! This book is absolute perfection! Our protagonists- Nash and Lina - lovingly dubbed as Angel and Hotshot, are both struggling with life defining adversity experienced in their youth, and some in not so distant past. There is so much emotion, intrigue, suspense and humor - Things We Hide From The Light is absolutely positively exquisite! The vulnerability Nash and Lina (ever so reluctantly) share with each other, Knox and Naomi’s wedding, and the emotional depths of all of the supporting cast - nobody, and I mean NOBODY portrays a small town as masterfully as Lucy Score does! I think creating communities, and portraying interpersonal relationships is her superpower!!!! “You are not your father, hotshot. And I am not some unhealthy habit that needs to be kicked. We are all very different people from the ones who made us. You didn’t turn to me to numb yourself to the pain. You turned to me to remember what felt good. To give yourself a reason to fight through the pain”. I just finished listening to this book on release day. The narration is simply superb! . I cried, I laughed, I was on the edge of my seat and I felt those deep emotions as if I was experiencing them myself. Once again the author gives us a lovable rescue dog, meddling neighbors, small town shenanigans and an EPIC love story with guaranteed HEA. I highly recommend this book to everyone who loves to read a great story!!!
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Moi registrovaný uživatel 3 z 5 hvězdiček Zakoupil produkt Hodnoceno z aplikace
První díl jsem si zamilovala.. Ale příběh Nashe a Liny byl takový lehčí odvar prvního dílu. Na můj vkus byl Nash hodně manipulativný a chvílemi mi přišlo, že mu není víc jak 15 let. Jsem ale ráda, že se i v této knize dost objevuje Knox a jeho vtipné/mrzuté hlášky. Příběh se dost táhl a poslední 1/4 nabrala rychlý spád. Závěr knihy byl nádherný. A budu se opakovat… ale Lucy Score má úžasný/vtipný styl psaní. ❗️obrovské mínus dávám za kupu překlepů ❗️
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Sára registrovaný uživatel 4 z 5 hvězdiček Zakoupil produkt
Kniha byla o něco slabší než první díl ale spisovatelka opravdu hezky píše, takže si to i tak užijete. Třetí díl je prý nejlepší.
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